Thursday, January 31, 2008
`` 1/31/2008 08:09:00 PM
Underoath - Reinventing Your Exit
12th and Hyde on a Sunday Feeling like we're gold But we're nothing short of invincible Invincible! Invincible!
It starts again Can you feel it? It takes your breath away Stop saying that were invincible (It’s round and round) You’re uninviting, unrewarding And I’m misinforming you
Misinforming you… We all wanna be… Wanna be somebody Right now were just looking for the exit
This is the way I would have done things Up against the wall Up against the wall You’ve got me up against your wall…
This is the way I would have done things Up against the wall Up against the wall You’ve got me up against your wall…
It’s you and me on a Monday The lies that we told This is where we both go numb now You broke my heart again this time You’re fading now you crossed the line You crossed the line
We all wanna be… Wanna be somebody Right now were just looking for the exit
This is the way I would have done things Up against the wall Up against the wall You’ve got me up against your wall…
This is the way I would have done things Up against the wall Up against the wall You’ve got me up against your wall…
Reaching out for a hand It’s not here But your not here You’re not here
This is the way I would have done this Up against the wall Up against your wall This is the way we should have done When were up against a wall Up against a wall
This is the way I would have done things Up against the wall Up against the wall You’ve got me up against your wall
This is the way I would have done things Up against the wall Up against the wall You’ve got me up against your wall
(Yes, another metal song. Wahaha.)
`` 1/31/2008 07:53:00 PM
Tests today. Blah. Stayed back for the CNY banner thing. There were more than half the class who showed up. We joined 3 tables in the food court. The guys started mixing some concoction from leftover food. Reminded me of old memories. (Show & tell) There was this caterpillar stuck to the leaf near the piano. IT SURE IS FAT. Up to class, sorry but i was being mischievous again. Its in my genes, baby. I think our banner's really nice. =) Met up with Jolene, Jia Hui, Jia Rong, Edmond and Yi Jun later on. All we did was walk around or just stand in the middle of the pathway deciding what to do next.
Jia Hui's flying off back to Aussie tomorrooooooooow. Yeah, seriously when will it be the next time i see her again? Or will i even see her? Thats a nice question to ponder bout.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
`` 1/30/2008 03:27:00 PM
Normal people jog. I run. No, i dash. But i seem to be running on the same spot. I am in the risk of tripping over every moment.
Today, i fall.
Friday, January 25, 2008
`` 1/25/2008 09:44:00 PM
This Week
Shi Mei's China buddy came to sit in with us the last 3 days. And we had our first 3r3 class photo today =D
We were still playing Chucky almost everyday. I was one of the victims for forfeit. Kenneth and Jingyang kept bother MaoPu for forfeit. Er actually me too. Haha. Jingyang's forfeit was real hilarious! I cant believe he did that.
Kinda stressed at some parts of the week. Thats all for today. I need to destresssssssssssssssssssssssssss
`` 1/25/2008 08:00:00 PM
23rd Jan'08, Wednesday
2r6'07 gathering at Pizza Hut. FINALLY. Everyone were dressed... quite formally i guess. Guess whos this gentleman right over here? "Wave to that gentleman over there" (familiar?) Keith! Notice his shoes. Cool huh?
Ms Z interviewing Keith, Sheng Han and Ka Lun, Jolyn taking picture and ME! taking the actions of these happenings. Dickson. Joyce wore that dress she bought at Far East.
So glam =)
Sheng Han's pizza. (well you see more of the cheese than the pizza itself)
Craig's. Sarah oh Sarah. Ms Z. The SC blazer from SH. After that, Min Lin & Criaig tried on to.
(Jolyn's pictures are nicer so go check out hers)
After eating, some of us went to take neos. Its been a long time. Its really nice overall i guess.
Soccer boys went to watch Cloverfield. Got negative comments from Haziq.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
`` 1/19/2008 09:30:00 PM
People present: Min Lin, Jolyn and me.
Auntie Anne's Pretzels.
We actually found a table soccer in a shopping mall! And without inserting any money, in other words, its free! We could insert up to 7 balls at the same time. (Yeah, imagine how "chaotic" the soccer field is)
Who says i dont play soccer? See, my "flying" kick. How powerful that is. (Yes, thank you, thank you)
Attack the salmon pizza. Blow wind blow, blow those hair away! Whoosh!
Presenting, Ms Rabbit.
Two INNOCENT angels.
Fine, i take back my words. A pirate attacking a masquerade party.
Spot the difference.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
`` 1/17/2008 06:40:00 PM
Its Thursday. And im officially in the "Chucky Chucky" Team in 3r3. Haha we are like, playing it almost every moment as possible? Dickson had 4 forfeits in one straight row.
Reports for today
Muhammad broke a beaker. Late for Chem for half an hr. My gang all had chicken burgers for recess. SH, Ridhwan and sorry-but-i-really-forgot-whats-your-name-guy walked from Ngee Ann to TM.
After school we had lunch at LJS. I was "stabbing" the chicken while E had "flying french fries". Keith was bullied by Craig.
I need to try a lot harder, a lot lot harder.
PS. I lost my bottle yesterday.
Monday, January 14, 2008
`` 1/14/2008 08:38:00 PM
Today wasnt a great day for me. Actually it was just plain boring in lessons (sorry i have short attention span) Then i felt weird. Guess its mood swing. Then it got worse as i screwed up some things.
Ask you, would you rather feel the downs of lives sometimes (it can hurt really bad) or would you rather feel nothing at all, really nothing at all (not even numbness)? Maybe i will choose the first one. If everything in life means nothing to you, whats the meaning of living?
Im lucky i felt really "up" last week, maybe its time to get "down" this week. No, who looks forward to them? Though i hold on to some last hope.
Im still confused over some things and people. They just dont seem to untangle.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
`` 1/12/2008 12:04:00 AM
Su Ru, Shi Mei, Estalla, Dickson and I with 1R4. (okay SOME)
Friday, January 11, 2008
`` 1/11/2008 08:16:00 PM
You know what im thinking right now? The "emo" self i used to be. Has it ran away from me? Or is it still hidden somewhere inside me?
"J, are you being fake right now?" Some people may ask.
Nope, i dont think so. Im truely happy these past few days that sometimes i dont believe im feeling so happy. Its weird you know, not knowing why you feel this way. When im happy, well i get hyper + talkative, all in one package. I constantly need to remind myself to calm down and not get carried away.
Do i know myself, you ask? Nope, i dont know what i will do or feel the next day. Life's unpredictable.
Like today, i could shout out the window that im happy and lucky. But i could take back all my words the next day.
Am i myself right now? I dont know. Really. Somehow or other i just feel that being emo is part of me. It belongs in me. It makes me feel serious. Think more bout things.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
`` 1/09/2008 07:51:00 PM
Seriously i dont have the attention span to do any work right now. It sucks to be in sec 3 for once.
Alright, on with the day. Air con was real cold. So exchanged places with Craig. Since he has er... more body heat than me and E?
On with the lunch which is the "interesting" part. I was with Jol, eating pig intestine soup (yes i know it sounds disgusting) When this bunch of guys from our school started shooting lasers at us. And yes, one of them sitting at the table is from MY GOD DAMNED CLASS so hes gonna get it tomorrow. Just wait and see. Fuck faces.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
`` 1/08/2008 06:32:00 PM
Just let me summarize. Class of 2008: 3R3 Hmmmm... *folds leg*
We were quite quiet during lessons. Everyone's hardworking. I mean like compared to 2R6'07 whom we knew for 2 yrs, of course its different. Things will liven up soon, i hope? (Havent you made enough noise, jiayi?!?)
Yes, i admit i made A LOT of noise. 'Cause nobody is making much noise except Dickson and Craig. Im not used to it, seriously. I cant study without laughing and get some oxygen into my head. (yeah, xiao gu's number 1 fan) I can be pretty annoying i know.
But seriously, i think i took the wrong pill to school these days. I wasnt that noisy last time. (OOPS.)
I dont get some of what the teachers were saying. Okay, i know i didnt try hard enough. (You: Busy laughing lah!)
It was quite weird sometimes without the same old people beside me and E.
Monday, January 07, 2008
`` 1/07/2008 10:46:00 PM
Friday, January 04, 2008
`` 1/04/2008 11:12:00 PM
3rd January, Thursday
2nd day of sec 1 orientation. Was stuck in traffic jam early in the morning. Let me see, what did we do... Painted class flag. I asked a guy to put his toe inside the palette(?) and press on the flag. & guess what i did next. I PUT MY FINGER INSIDE THE SAME COLOR! And i acidentally painted Dickson's nostrils! Oops. Su Ru painted his hair.
We had interclass games. Station masters were supposed to be in charge of one station. Mine did the water PLASTIC BAGS thingy. D dont know how to tie the them up, and i taught him! Others thought we were playing water bombs. (of course the sec 1 were happy!) I had the urge to really play water bombs since there were so many of them. We carried them from canteen to carpark. I could only carry 1 bucket. Seriously, its really heavy, even the guys had to stop to rest.
We also had captain's ball, basketball and tug-a-war competition. Tug-a-war was cool! One class was supposed to send 25 ppl but eventually one class helped the other and well. Everyone joined in. 1r2 and 1r4 joined forces and we won! =)
Blah, our water PLASTIC BAGS were eventually played by some SL at the end of the day. Our hardwork!!!
4th January, Friday
3rd day of orientation. Testimonials in the morning. Aaron wrote on my paper which is on my back, "You are a bird!" Since the first day i did a flying action, hes been calling me that.
Lunch, saw Jol, B, Amy, Junnie =)
CCA display. I asked the r4 boys what cca do they think im in. Qing Tian mentioned Track. LOL. Im sure he would be pulled into sports becuase of his size. Really. The guys were enthu about NCC while Su Ru kept advertising her NPCC. The girls were pretty quiet.
Most SL got really high at the mass dance. Estalla, Madeline and Su Ru danced the guys' part while me, ML, Candice, Shi Mei did the girls' one. Okay i tried to do the guys', but i got messed up.
Dinner was interrupted as i went to do ushering since we wore uniform. My dinner was once again interrupted when a teacher asked me to bring the parents down to canteen. Was standing among all the parents and teachers in the AVA room. Well, there's Mr DM and haha, i was caught not wearing school socks and not wearing the tie properly. Some good things did happen to me despite feeling f- up bout something.
Home sweet home at 10pm =)
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
`` 1/02/2008 08:07:00 PM
First post of the century. Just joking. Of the year.
31st December, Monday
Blossom and I went to see Countdown together =D At first we went to Fort Canning Park to check out the place.
I had a new friend, Him. ^^^ (the tree branch im holding!)
I carried Him all around Fort Canning Park and me and B "talked" to Him.
Pretty retarded huh? We wanted to have a picnic at the hill (ive been talking bout picnic since god-knows-how-long-ago)
But there is this INDIAN countdown going on later so oh well.
I put down Him just before we left the hill and we proceed on to Clarke Quay and then Boat Quay.
Finally decided on watching the fireworks outside Esplanade.
We asked a uncle to help us "booked" our seats (yeah lah, like cinema, only no need to pay money). That was like 6 plus.
We were back at 8.30pm and he was like, "You all makan so long?" Was pretty crowded by then.
And we waited til midnight. Yes, need lots of patience to acomplish that when you totally brought nothing there.
B still has her san mao book. (Actually she held the book but i dont think she read it) We saw police arrest a guy. (dont think is consoling him)
Oh and we got a chance to write our new year resolution and hung it over there. The gold gold circle circle thingy.
I got a video of the fireworks. Upload it below. PLEASE OFF YOUR SPEAKER IF YOU WANT TO WATCH! LOTS OF SCREAMING INVOLVED!
Snow sprays were sprayed. (Whats with my english)
I thought it was not supposed to be sold 'cause later scared got molest or pickpocket.
There was this bunch of Indian guys behind me and i was telling B,"Walk faster!"
If they ever dare to *****, i will **** them.
Well, i didnt kena the spray that much.
It was so cool to cheer and scream after the countdown.
B was saying, "Happy New Year!" everywhere we walked. Most people never reply. So unspontanous(?).
Night Life was really very interesting. We were standing in front of Penisular Hotel for more than half an hr and i got to observe things that i dont see normally. (or observe, im a daydreamer)
Reached home at 2am. Wow. Im so glad that my parents didnt call and scream into the phone for me to get my ass back home.
1st January, Tuesday
Rushed stuffs. Blah.
2nd January, Wednesday
Missed my girls =D
Took part in Sec 1 orientation. Hello, i dont want to stay in class!
I miss Jol and J and B and YeeSi (aww...) and ML (at least i got to work with her today along with Kym) and some guy friends i guess.
Especially Justin, Haziq, Zhi Kang, Dong Kun, Jasper and some others. Dont know want to laugh or say nothing. No offence!
Im the station master of 1r4 along with Estalla and Dickson. I didnt know one of the r4 is from Meridian last time! =) Finally.
Some game in front of Ngee Ann Poly. It was fun today, i learned some new stuffs and friends too. =)